Have you ever wondered what it meant that God's Word is Light? I used to wonder that. For many years I believed in God ... or rather I liked the idea of God. I'd pray ... at basketball games when we were down by two points and I wanted our team to win. I'd think about God, at Christmas time. But the rest of the time I pretty much did what I wanted to do. And the truth is, that what I wanted to do wasn't always pretty. In fact, I made a lot of stupid choices.
Looking back now, I can see they were stupid. Mostly because I've had many years to live with the consequences. I've had to deal with emotions tied to old boyfriends. (Yes, the connections you made will stick around for YEARS.) I've had to deal with regret over having an abortion at age 15. It's a choice that I can never take back ... a choice I regret every day. But what does this have to do with light/darkness?
Psalm 119:105 says, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
If you've accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, then God's Word will guide you. It will help you make good decisions. It will lead you on a path heading in the right direction. And because of that you hopefully won't have huge regrets to deal with.
What if you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus? Or if you don't use God's Word to help you guide your way? Then you're in darkness ... and most of the time you WON'T make right decisions.
For many years I lived in this darkness. In high school, I was like a blind person in a dark room. I had my hands outstretched and I was desperately seeking love, acceptance, and happiness. In the darkness I'd bump into things. I'd run into walls. I'd grasp onto anything (or anyone) that seemed to fit my need. Do you know anyone like that?
Looking back, I realize that I was grasping and coming up wanting. Now that I'm in the light, I see so much more. Mostly, I SEE. I see hope found in God. I see a good future. I see God active around me. I see how God's Word applies to everything I do. I SEE.
If you're still stumbling in darkness, it's not too late to pray and ask Jesus to come into your life ... to be your light.
If you know someone who is stumbling in darkness, then pray. Pray that their hearts will want Jesus and seek Him.
If you have done stupid things in the past, realize your bad choices were a result of grasping--trying to find love, acceptance, and happiness. Ask God forgiveness for those things, and seek Jesus and His Word to help you in the future.
And no matter what, realize that Jesus wants you to walk in the light. It is no coincidence that you're reading this. Maybe these works are the spark that will grow into something bright in your life!
Well so far I haven't made to many decisions that I regret to much, But hearing things like that really makes one stop and think about how things will affect our lives in the future. THANKS!
Hey, I loved reading this. My book I'm currently writing is about God being light, so that really was nice to read. :] A lot of what you said is what I want to get across to teens. So, I'm really glad that there's somebody else that sees that God is light too. :]
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