Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fiction by Teens

The Froggy Prince continued...

by Alexa Schnee
Alexa is sixteen year old homeshooled, aspiring author. She participates in tap dance and plays the violin (though badly). She loves hanging out with her animals and reading books that make her laugh.

Installment One here

Installment Two here

Installment Three:
It was a lovely dinner. Roast duck, pork, cooked veggies, (for Amelia, who liked to be lean) and buttered frog legs. Amelia didn’t take these. It felt a little awkward after meeting a talking frog, but she was trying to forget that incident.

The king sat at the head of the table with the queen at his side. Amelia’s mother was the fairest in the land; of course, someone had to take Snow White’s place after she had the crazy notion to fight wars in the galaxy. She was the runner-up in the Fairest of the Land Beauty Pageant.

Amelia had her long brown hair and her piercing blue eyes. In fact, Amelia was the exact image of her mother, but she got her brains from her father. Though no one would admit it to the queen, pardon the expression, she wasn’t the brightest light bulb ever screwed in.

Anyway, as Amelia was explaining how she would get all of her dresses to Princesston there was a knock on the door. A very soft knock, so soft, that Amelia could barely hear it. But she did, and she stopped talking.

“Who could that be?” the king asked. He stood up slightly, and then motioned for a guard to answer the door.

The young man ran to the large doors and pulled them open ever so slightly. Amelia watched as his eyes roamed farther and farther down until they met the ground. He turned around to announce the visitor.

“It is a frog, sir,” he said quizzically.

Amelia’s veggies almost made an appearance on her new dress. The frog was back? Amelia felt like saying a few choice words, and they wouldn’t be appropriate for this story, so she whispered them under her breath.

“A frog?” the king asked.

“Yes sir,” the guard said. He swallowed nervously before he continued. “A talking frog.”

“When you meet up with a talking animal, you should always pay attention,” the queen mentioned.

Everyone looked at her. The king and Amelia exchanged a look. The queen had often said this, but it wasn’t often that her advice actually applied to anything.

“Sir,” the guard whispered. “He says he knows the princess.”

Amelia’s eyes grew wide. The king turned on her.


Amelia began to think. Though she may have been spoiled, though she may have been naughty for leaving our frog, she was very smart.

“A talking frog, huh?” she said entering her speech and debate mode. “Is that scientifically possible? How could a frog speak when he has no capabilities of proper humanist speech? Clearly, a frog’s brain does not have enough capacity to fit the part of the cortex of the brain that controls speech.”

By now, the king was getting angry and the queen was getting confused. But, the queen was always confused.

“My daughter is right,” the king said. “Is this a joke young guard?”

“No sir, I assure you that this frog has spoken to me,” the young guard said, sweat now pouring down his face.

“Bring him in then,” the king commanded. “Let me see this talking frog.”

The guard opened the large doors a tad more, and in hopped our frog.

“Hello, Princess. Next time you run, could you do it so I can keep up?” he asked. It looked like it had taken him hours to make it to the castle on those puny frog legs. He was warty, he was green, and now he was muddy. Amelia knew she had lost this battle, but for sure, she wasn’t going down without a fight.

“Amelia, it is a talking frog,” the king said raising one eyebrow at his daughter.

“Yes, I am,” the frog said hopping towards the king. “Your daughter made a promise to me. She said if I got her basketball out of the well, then I could live with you.”

“I did not!” Amelia cried.

“Yes you did!” the frog exclaimed. “You shook on it!”

“I crossed my fingers!” Amelia cried.

“Crossies didn’t count!” the frog exclaimed.

Amelia’s smile began to fade. She was starting to get desperate.

“I LIED!” Amelia cried, her scream echoing on the palace walls.

The frog was silent. The room was silent. The world was silent. Then, he opened his mouth and spoke.

“You promised,” he whispered.

Everyone looked at Amelia. She looked at everyone. And then, Amelia began to cry. Now, Amelia only cried when it was a desperate situation. When she lost, she cried. And when she cried, she usually got what she wanted. Again, it was another instance of Amelia being spoiled. Big tears began to roll from her eyes.

“Oh, don’t cry!” the queen sympathized as she ran over to her child. She stroked Amelia’s long hair.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” the queen scolded the frog. “even though I believe talking animals are a blessing, you have been nothing but a curse to our daughter.”

The frog hung his head in shame and embarrassment. Although he felt bad about Amelia leaving him, he felt even worse if he was a burden.

“Fine,” the frog said quietly. “I’ll leave.”

end of installment...check back next week to see what happens.

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